Probus Symbol

Londonderry Probus Club


PROBUS is the association of retired and semi-retired men and women who join together in autonomous clubs throughout Britain, Ireland and the rest of the world.

The word PROBUS is an abbreviation of the words PROfessional and BUSiness but membership is not restricted to these two groups. It also embraces former executives of government and other organisations and, in fact, any person who has had some measure of responsibility in any field of endeavour.

The basic purpose of a Probus Club is to provide regular gatherings of persons who in retirement appreciate and value opportunities to meet others In similar circumstances and of a similar level of interest.

The emphasis is for Probus Clubs to be: 

  • Simple in structure

  • Free from the constraints and obligations of service clubs. 

  • Involve members in minimum costs.

  • Directed primarily to provide fellowship with the opportunity for development and acquaintance. 

  • Made up from members who are compatible with one another. 

Additional activities include visits between meetings to places or organisations of particular interest to members and occasional social and sports activities.

PROBUS members may visit another Probus Club in any part of the world. 

PROBUS membership provides self-generating goodwill, a sense of belonging and a diverse background of interests. The fellowship and cordiality evident within Probus Clubs ensures a highly successful future for PROBUS as a firmly established part of the community.

Probus is a 'not for profit' organisation and is not involved in any fundraising

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